Quantitative Investment
- Liyuan Cui, Guanhao Feng, and Yongmiao Hong. 2023.
Regularized GMM for Time-Varying Models with Applications to Asset Pricing. Forthcoming in International Economic Review.
- Liyuan Cui, Yongmiao Hong, Yingxing Li, and Junhui Wang. 2023.
Positive definite estimation of sparse and low-rank covariance matrices with dimensional and high frequency data. Forthcoming in Management Science.
- Guanhao Feng, Jingyu He, Nicholas G. Polson, and Jianeng Xu. 2023.
Deep Learning in Characteristics-Sorted Factor Models. Forthcoming in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
- Guanhao Feng, and Jingyu He. 2022.
Factor investing: A Bayesian hierarchical approach. Journal of Econometrics, 230(1), 183-200.
- Liyuan Cui, Yongmiao Hong, and Yingxing Li. 2021.
Solving Euler equations via two-stage nonparametric penalized splines. Journal of Econometrics, 222(2), 1024-1056.
- Guanhao Feng, Stefano Giglio, and Dacheng Xiu. 2020.
Taming the factor zoo: A test of new factors. The Journal of Finance, 75(3), 1327-1370.
- Guanhao Feng, and Nicholas Polson. 2020.
Regularizing Bayesian predictive regressions. Journal of Asset Management, 21(7), 591-608.
- 崔丽媛, 洪永淼. 2017.
投资者对经济基本面的认知偏差会影响证券价格吗?——中美证券市场对比分析. 经济研究, 52(8), 94-109.
Risk Management
- Zhi Chen, Zhenyu Hu, Ruiqin Wang. 2023.
Screening with Limited Information: A Dual Perspective. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
- Zhi Chen, Daniel Kuhn, Wolfram Wiesemann. 2023.
On Approximations of Data-Driven Chance Constrained Programs over Wasserstein Balls. Operations Research Letters, 51(3): 226-233.
- Zhi Chen, Peng Xiong. 2022.
RSOME in Python: An Open-Source Package for Robust Stochastic Optimization Made Easy. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35(4): 717-724. (Featured Article)
- Guomin Xing, Zhi Chen, Yuanguang Zhong, Yong-Wu Zhou. 2022.
Mitigating Supply Risk with Limited Information: Emergency Supply and Responsive Pricing. Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management.
- Zhi Chen, Daniel Kuhn, Wolfram Wiesemann. 2022.
Data-Driven Chance Constrained Programs over Wasserstein Balls. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
- Zhi Chen, Weijun Xie. 2021.
Regret in the Newsvendor Model with Demand and Yield Randomness. Production and Operations Management, 30(11): 4176-4197.
- Zhi Chen, Weijun Xie. 2021.
Sharing the Value-at-Risk under Distributional Ambiguity. Mathematical Finance, 31(1): 531-559.
- Zhi Chen, Zhenyu Hu, Qinshen Tang. 2020.
Allocation Inequality in Cost Sharing Problem. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 91: 111-120.
- Zhi Chen, Melvyn Sim, Peng Xiong. 2020.
Robust Stochastic Optimization Made Easy with RSOME. Management Science, 66(8): 3329-3339.
- Zhi Chen, Melvyn Sim, Huan Xu. 2019.
Distributionally Robust Optimization with Infinitely Constrained Ambiguity Sets. Operations Research, 67(5): 1328-1344.
- Charoenwong, Ben, and Guanhao Feng. 2017.
Does higher-frequency data always help to predict longer-horizon volatility?. Journal of Risk, 19(5), 55-75.
Statistics, Econometrics, and Machine Learning
- Meijia Wang, Jingyu He and P. Richard Hahn. 2023.
Local Gaussian process extrapolation for BART models with applications to causal inference. Forthcoming in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
- Jingyu He, P. Richard Hahn. 2021.
Stochastic tree ensembles for regularized nonlinear regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118:541, 551-570.
- P. Richard Hahn, Jingyu He and Hedibert Lopes. 2019.
Efficient sampling for Gaussian linear regression with arbitrary priors. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28.1 (2019): 142-154.
- P. Richard Hahn, Carlos M. Carvalho, Jingyu He and David Puelz. 2018.
Regularization and confounding in linear regression for treatment effect estimation. Bayesian Analysis, 13.1 (2018): 163-182.
- P. Richard Hahn, Jingyu He and Hedibert Lopes. 2018.
Bayesian factor model shrinkage for linear IV regression with many instruments. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 36.2 (2018): 278-287.
- Guanhao Feng, Nicholas Polson, and Jianeng Xu. 2017.
The market for english premier league (epl) odds. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 12(4), 167-178.